Abstract Submission

You are invited to submit your abstract(s) for ORAL and/or POSTER presentations.

Submission deadline for ORAL presentation: April 1st, 2023.
Submission deadline for POSTER presentation: June 1st, 2023.

To submit your abstract:

- Download the appropriate template below and fill the document following the instructions given in the document.

For an ORAL contribution: ORAL_Surname.docx or ORAL_Surname.rtf

 For a POSTER presentation: POSTER_Surname.docx or POSTER_Surname.rtf

 - Save the document keeping the format of the file (.docx or.rtf) with the surname (family name) of the presenter


- Please send it to emlg2023@sciencesconf.org specifying as subject of your email “Oral request” or “Poster request”.


Poster Size

A0 format (width: 841 mm x Height: 1189 mm) (Portrait)


Visa Request

If you do need visa, the organization will be pleased to give you a letter of invitation to support your application. However the invitation letter will only be issued to speakers or attendees who already registered. The letter will be sent by email only. Be aware that we won’t be able to contact directly consulates and embassies. 



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