"Grand Public" Conference

What is Green Chemistry ?

The EMLG/JMLG 2023 meeting will be open up to the general public through the "Grand Public" conference that will be led by Karine De Oliveira Vigier, professor at the University of Poitiers and researcher at the IC2MP* laboratory. All of his work is part of a perspective of sustainable chemistry preserving the resources of our planet. For example, it follows promising avenues in the use of biomass, the transformation of sugars into solvents, the valorization of products such as CO2, vegetable oils or glycerol to make them surfactants of detergents. These ideas are presented and put into perspective in a book entitled "Surprenante chimie" published by CNRS Éditions. Karine De Oliveira Vigier has participated in several popularization projects around sustainable chemistry. His highly educational presentations make a complex chemistry accessible to an audience of all ages and levels. A discussion time at the end of the conference will allow everyone to interact with the speaker and the scientific community of the meeting.

 Karine De OliveiraVigier


(*) IC2MP – Institut de Chimie des Milieux et Matériaux de Poitiers – UMR CNRS 7285 – Université de Poitiers.

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