The European Molecular Liquids Group (EMLG) and the Japanese Molecular Liquids Group (JMLG) are interdisciplinary groups covering the molecular aspects of fluids in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The European group was founded in 1982 and was joined by the Japanese group in 1996.
Annual meetings have been organized since 1982 in different countries with varying focus in order to cooperate internationally and to coordinate activities in this field. Traditionally, a special issue of the Journal of Molecular Liquids covers the scientific contributions to the meetings.

The next EMLG/JMLG congress will take place at Auditorium de l'Agora - Domaine du Haut-Carré, University of Bordeaux - from September 4 to 7, 2023.

The EMLG/JMLG annual meeting 2023 will focus on the most recent progress in experiment, theory and computer simulation of molecular and ionic fluids including Supercritical Fluids, Ionic liquids, Biobased Molecular liquids, CO2 expanded liquids, Switchable solvents and Deep Eutectic Solvents.

Nevertheless, the conference will also cover all the traditional topics related to the study of the structure, thermodynamics, phase transition, reactivity and dynamics of molecular liquids, including supercooled/glassy liquids, soft matter and complex colloids, molecular liquids at interfaces, water and aqueous solutions, aerosols, confined liquids, solvation of biomolecules, etc.



The organizers thank the following institutional and sponsors for their support to the EMLG/JMLG 2023 conference :


This project has received financial support from the French government within the framework of the France 2030 programme IdEx université de Bordeaux.



Book of abstracts


(last update 06/09/2023)


Meeting: Sept. 4-7, 2023

Abstract Submission Deadline:

- Oral request: Closed

- Poster request: June 1st, 2023

                       June 10th, 2023

Registration Deadline:

- Early Bird: June 1st, 2023

                June 10th, 2023

- Standard: July 1st, 2023 



Auditorium Agora du Haut-Carré
Université de Bordeaux
43 Rue Pierre Noailles
33400 Talence
Personnes connectées : 2 Vie privée | Accessibilité